Sound Categories
Bass Samples
Brass / Horn Samples
Flute / Woodwind Samples
Acoustic Guitar Samples
Electric Guitar Samples
Melodic Percussion Samples
Acoustic Piano Samples
Electric Piano Samples
Church Organ Samples
String Samples
Synth Samples
Atmosphere / Pad Samples
World Instrument Samples
Vocal / Choir Samples
Drum Samples Kits
Mini Hip Hop Loops Kits
Custom Sound Kits
Premade Sound Kits
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The following instruments listed below are included in each format of the kits above:
- Persian Bow - Persian bowed instrument made with world instrumentals in mind. Add a feel of the Sahara with this powerful bow instrument sound!
- ZoneString Hit - Powerful string hit sound created to add power and emphasis within your beats. Great for symphonic hip hop beats.
- Ruby Grand - Acoustic piano sound created with a tailed off ambient soundscape feel to bring deeper mood and emotions to your beats.
- Thunder Timpani - Timpani drum sound tweaked with EQ and filtering to provide a slight rattling sound and deep thump.
- Tropiq DelSol - acoustic guitar instrument inspired by tropical times. Good for hip hop beats needing a smooth melody.
- Ragnarok Horn - cinematic brass horn instrument created with EQ and chorus to bring a bright, wide feel to your deep movie type instrumentals!
- Dark Stage Bass - acoustic bass stab sound with a smooth sound. Good for hip hop beats or soulful jazz instrumentals
- Greenstroke Guitar - electric guitar sound with a hollow sound to it. Good for rock / alternative instrumentals
- TrumpSax Lift - trumpet / sax combination lift. Good to use for band instrumentals or adding brass to hip hop beats
- IncredaBass - acoustic bass sound with a deep yet soulful sound. Good for use in making rap beats or jazzy beats
- Great-D Synth - synth sound with a resonant and raspy sound. Good for using on any type of beat or instrumental
- ShadowMoan - choir sound of various tones at once in a dark sound. Good for use on horrorcore rap beats or movie scores