Drum Kits For FL Studio And More - Why Settle For Stock Sounds

Anyone who started using computer software to make beats knows that one thing you'll want to look into early on, are
drum kits for FL Studio (or Reason or whatever other software that you use for that matter) to replace those stock sounds. Stock sounds aren't the worst in the world, but they don't amount to nearly as much as some professional quality drum sounds to bring out your beats. After all, if you're making music, especially if you're making rap beats or R&B instrumentals, you'll want some solid pounding drum sounds to bring out your beats even further! So what should you look for anyhow?
One option that you have at your disposal for your beat production needs, is right here at SoundsForBeats.com! With a growing variety of different
drum kits for FL Studio, Reason, Cubase, and even
MPC drum machines, you'll be able to elevate those beats from weak sounds to heavy bangin masterpieces! After all, to make great beats, you need that bang in your beats from the drum and rhythm section to set it off! You are free to visit my hip hop beats site at
Genycis.com as well... pretty much, the beats I make on my site, are with drum sounds (and other sounds) here at SoundsForBeats.com! You can check out the different variety of SoundsForBeats.com drum packs available. Each has an mp3 demo that you can play to get an idea of the different sounds within the kit as used on a beat. Each pack is created with 100 drum samples in WAV format and are compatible with many music production programs that are commonly used, as well as being compatible with
MPC drum machines that use WAV samples.
Another option that a lot of beat makers seem to lean towards, is the option of finding kits on ebay that are labeled with images and labels of famous hip hop producers. So are these the
drum kits for FL Studio, Reason, Cubase, (or MPC) that you should go for? That is pretty much up to you. Things to consider however with this option is that you have to make sure you find the right kits (as there are many out there simply recycling drum sounds and claiming they are from famous producers). You also have to consider, that since so many people seem to lean to this option simply because of who they believe endorses those kits, that you run the risk of having your beats sound like everyone else's beats out there. Some people don't care, but others look for as much originality as they can find. Something to consider.
Yet another option that you have at your disposal, is going through some mp3's that you may have of some of your favorite rap tracks, and using a Wave Editor to chop and sample your own sounds. This is an option that works great for some, but can also be very time consuming and tedious. This is probably the same method some of the people on ebay are selling, saying that they have official
drum kits for FL Studio, Reason, MPC, etc from hot rap producers, when in actuality, they chopped and sampled the sounds. And while some are done really well, others are horribly done with all kinds of mixed sounds that don't make for a clear drum sound. With that said, if you do this method, you have to make sure to cut and sample the right places, or you may get the same problem and have other sounds that you didn't want on your drum sounds. Not the greatest kit to have when you're trying to make beats to sell.
With those few options, it's easy to see that you can get rid of those stock sounds and start looking for ways to replace your drum sounds with much better ones. Why settle for using stock sounds that don't sound great even when you add effects to them, when you can elevate your beats with better sounds from the options listed above! And remember, when you're ready to find some bangin'
drum kits for FL Studio, Reason, Cubase, and
MPC drum machines as well, feel free to check out the drum packs available here at SoundsForBeats.com! Feel free to repost this entry or share it with others, especially for those that think ebay producer kits are the greatest ever, without knowing the risks! Much respect, and happy beat making!