When some people think of FL Studio or it's older known name, Fruity Loops, the first thoughts that probably come to mind would be hip hop beats or electronica music that can be created within it. In comparison and similarity, when people visit
SoundsForBeats.com, the first thoughts to mind would probably be an array of premade loop kits for creating hip hop beats or instrumentals. And while the case is that the name "SoundsForBeats.com" has the word Beats in it, the musical instrument soundfonts available at SoundsForBeats.com are used for much more than just hip hop beats.
Case in point, a music composer, an instrumental guru of sorts, the creator of
Jms3Music.com, James Stafford, has really shown others as well as myself, that the sounds available at SoundsForBeats.com can be used in great lengths to create ambient music instrumentals and movie scores. JMS3Music showcases a variety of different instrumentals that James created that has an emotional and human realism to them. To talk about them doesn't give the instrumentals justice. The creations are beautifully made, and bring immediate emotion and mood to your mind when you hear them. You become embodied into his music as though you were in the very location that James paints to you with the colorful paints of sound.
For example, the musical piece "
Ascent" provides a serene elevation of moods, as though you have finally fought tooth and nail to achieve what you were striving for, and now you stand on the top of the mountain, victorious and admiring all of the beauty and reward that you've strived for, for so long. This piece is wonderfully made with various sounds from the page. In another musical instrumental that he created with sounds from SoundsForBeats.com, "
Finality", James makes great use of the Grand Ivory instrument found on this site (that you can
download for free when you Join SoundsForBeats.com) and brings forth a deep, dark vibe of moods and ambience with his piano instrumental. A series of emotions are brought forth as well with this ambient instrumental, creating a feeling for me as though I've just come upon something, or someone sinister, as I prepare for my final battle or combat.
There have been many subscribers to SoundsForBeats.com, and several music producers that have purchased from the site as well. Not many have yet shared their music, but of the few that have, James shows that he is using the sounds for a different creation altogether, and showing that much more can be done with the sound available at SoundsForBeats.com. A shoutout to you James for your creative works. Looking forward to the next set of instrumentals you create!